Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Olde Tyme Pretzels for the Hanover Pretzel Company

One of my favorite meals that is very healthy and tasty is a zucchini casserole. It has always been and I have always used bread crumbs to cover the top but one night we ran out of bread crumbs and my wife was coming home from work and I needed to get the casserole in the oven.

We always have Snyder’s Pretzels on hand for healthy snacks for our grand kids and for us as well. Even my sweet ruby dog loves them! Anyways, like I said no bread crumbs available so I saw the pretzels and started thinking hum we all love pretzels and they are crunchy and go well with cheeses. I took some out and put them in a plastic baggy and took a spoon and lightly smashed them into, not a powder but into little bits about the size of cracker crumbs.

I took my shredded zucchini and my cream of mushroom soup mixed it all up as I always do and put the cheese all over the top and then spread the Snyder’s Pretzels all over the top and popped the casserole into the oven at 350 degrees for 35 minutes and it smelled really good!

My wife walked in as I set everything out on the table and she didn’t even notice I had used our Snyder’s Pretzels to cover the top. But when she took a bite she got a big smile on her face and said "Mike you have out done yourself with is dish it so good and tastes great what did you do different?" Lol I told her to take another bite and guess. She did and right away she said pretzels? And with that we both laughed and we use pretzels in many of our casseroles now.

Here is another tasty tip: mixed crushed pretzels into any stuffing, can be with turkey or chicken or even in stuffed bell peppers. There are so many ways to incorporate healthy Snyder’s Pretzels into any dish that you make but I still think my favorite way to eat them is watch a football game with a cold drink and a hand full of Snyder’s Pretzels. We all also love making up a batch of nacho cheese dip and having nacho pretzels.

All in all I know that Snyder’s Pretzels are a healthy snack food and no one can resist.
That savory flavor and that crunch, while other chips are full of flavor they all have unhealthy fats and many calories that can clog up your arteries and lead to heart problems and restrict blood circulation. I for one can not go without a good wholesome snack food as I am diabetic and have to watch everything I eat so I rely on Snyder’s Pretzels to curb that craving for that one special treat I can have that is tasty and one of the few things I really enjoy.

Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Snyder’s of Hanover blogging program, for 6,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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